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Buenos Aires
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Workshop on "Structure and Dynamics of Glassy, Supercooled and Nanoconfined Fluids"

Guidelines for Oral Presentations

[bullet]Visual equipment

Overhead and LCD projectors will be available.
For Computer based presentations there will be a common PC available, please bring your talks in a CD, DVD and/or memory stick in pdf or ppt format.
Technical support will be provided by the Organization.

Guidelines for Poster Presentations

All presenters must be registered workshop participants.

[bullet]Size of the Poster

Poster presentations will fit a designated 0.90 m (width) × 1.50 m space.
A desk point will be available in the poster area for necessary supplies for posting.

Last Update: May 27 2022, 12:59:37 GMT. Valid HTML 4.01!
Centro Atómico Constituyentes - Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
Av. Gral Paz y Constituyentes, San Martín, Pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tel: (54-11) 6772-7007/7088 - Fax: (54-11) 6772-7121