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En las fronteras de la Materia Condensada

Workshop dedicado a Mariana Weissmann

Resumenes de las Charlas Invitadas

Tuning collective pinning and mobility of the vortex solid in YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals

Victoria Bekeris


The vortex system is a model system of interacting elastic objects in disordered media. Recently it was found that it can be trapped in different robust dynamical states characterized by the degree of mobility, depending on the local thermo-magnetic history of the sample. When vortices are "shaken" by a temporarily symmetric ac field they are driven into an easy-to-move structure but, on the contrary, when the ac field is temporarily asymmetric, they are driven into a more pinned state. The effective pinning potential wells that control the vortex motion inside the pinning sites can also be tuned by the "shaking" procedure, and deeper wells correlate with less mobile dynamical states.

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